Apple’s Resolution to Translating Gendered Languages – Uplaza

Apple has simply printed a paper, in collaboration with USC, that explores the machine studying strategies employed to provide customers of its iOS18 working system extra selection about gender in relation to translation.

In iOS18, customers can choose various gender strategies for a translated phrase within the native Translate app. Supply:

Although the problems tackled within the work (which Apple has introduced right here) engages, to a sure extent, in present topical debates round definitions of gender, it facilities on a far older downside: the truth that 84 out of the 229 recognized languages on this planet use a sex-based gender system.

The purple dots point out languages that use a sex-based gender system. Supply: https://wals.information/function/31A#map

Surprisingly, the English language falls into the sex-based class, as a result of it assigns masculine or female singular pronouns.

Against this, all Romance languages (together with over half a billion Spanish audio system) –  and a number of different widespread languages, reminiscent of Russian – require gender settlement in ways in which drive translation techniques to deal with sex-assignment in language.

The brand new paper illustrates this by observing all attainable Spanish translations of the sentence The secretary was indignant with the boss:

From the brand new paper, an instance of the potential gender assignments within the sentence ‘The secretary was angry with the boss’, translating from English to Spanish. Source:

Naïve translation is far from sufficient for longer texts, which may establish gender at the start (‘He’, ‘She’, etc.) and thereafter not refer to gender again. Nonetheless, the translation must remember the assigned gender of the participant throughout the text.

This can be challenging for token-based approaches that address translations in discrete chunks, and risk to lose the assigned gender-context throughout the duration of the content.

Worse, systems that provide alternative translations for biased gender assignments cannot do this indiscriminately, i.e., by merely substituting the gender noun, but must ensure that all other parts of language agree with the changed gender noun.

In this example from the Apple/USC paper, we see that though Secretary has been assigned a male gender, the singular past was has been left as feminine (estaba):

Brute-force gender substitutions can neglect necessary gender agreement. In this example, the word ‘enojada’ should be ‘enojado’, to agree with the masculine ‘El secretario’.

A translation system must also cope with the eccentricities of particular languages in regard to gender. As the paper points out, the pronoun I is gendered in Hindi, which provides an uncommon clue to gender.

Gender Issues

In the new paper, titled Generating Gender Alternatives in Machine Translation, the Apple and USC researchers propose a semi-supervised method to convert gender-ambiguous entities into an array of entity-level alternatives.

The system, which was used to inform translation from the Apple Translate app in iOS18, constructs a language schema by both the use of large language models (LLMs), and by fine-tuning pre-trained open source machine translation models.

The results from translations from these systems were than trained into an architecture containing gender structures – groups of phrases that contain diverse forms of varying gendered nouns representing the same entity.

The paper states*:

‘Gender biases present in train data are known to bleed into natural language processing (NLP) systems, resulting in dissemination and potential amplification of those biases. Such biases are often also the root cause of errors.

‘A machine translation (MT) system might, for example, translate doctor to the Spanish term médico (masculine) instead of médica (feminine), given the input “The doctor asked the nurse to help her in the procedure”.

‘To avoid prescribing wrong gender assignment, MT systems need to disambiguate gender through context. When the correct gender cannot be determined through context, providing multiple translation alternatives that cover all valid gender choices is a reasonable approach.’

The approach that the researchers arrive at effectively turns a translation from a single token to a user-controlled array.

(Though the paper does not mention it, this opens up the possibility, either in Apple Translate or in similar portals that offer translation services, for user choices to be fed back into later iterations of the model)

The model Apple and USC developed was evaluated on the GATE and MT-GenEval test sets. GATE contains source sentences with up to 3 gender-ambiguous entities, while MT-GenEval contains material where gender cannot be inferred, which, the authors state, aids in understanding when alternative gender options should not be offered to the user.

In both cases, the test sets had to be re-annotated, to align with the aims of the project.

To train the system, the researchers relied on a novel automatic data augmentation algorithm, in contrast to the aforementioned test sets, which were annotated by humans.

Contributing datasets for the Apple curation were Europarl; WikiTitles; and WikiMatrix. The corpora was divided into G-Tag (with 12,000 sentences), encompassing sentences with head words for all entities, together with a gender-ambiguous annotation; and G-Trans (with 50,000 sentences), containing gender-ambiguous entities and gender alignments.

The authors assert:

‘To the best of our knowledge, this is the first large-scale corpus that contains gender ambiguities and how they effect gendered forms in the translation.’

Datasets and diverse data for the project have been made available on GitHub. The data features five language pairs, pitting English against Russian, German, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

The authors leveraged a prior approach from 2019 to endow the model with the capability to output gender alignments, training with cross entropy loss and an additional alignment loss.

For the data augmentation routine, the authors eschewed traditional rule-based methods in favor of a data-centric approach, fine-tuning a BERT pre-trained language model on the G-Tag dataset.


For cases where ambiguous gender entities are detected, Apple and USC explored two methods – the fine-tuning of pre-trained language models, and the use of LLMs.

In regard to the first method, the paper states:

‘We fine-tune a pre-trained MT model M on a bitext extracted from the G-Trans dataset. The source sentences of this bi-text contain ambiguous entities tagged as masculine or feminine using / tags, and the target translation has correct gender inflections given the gender tags.’

An illustration of the schema for extracting bi-text from the G-Trans dataset.

In the image above, we see the fine-tuned text in the lower middle column, and the desired output in the right column, with the underlying rationale illustrated above.

For this approach, the authors made use of a lattice rescoring method from an earlier 2020 work. To ensure that only the target domain (gender) was addressed, a constrained beam search was used as a filter.

For the LLM approach, the authors devised a strategy that uses an LLM as an editor, by re-writing the supplied translations to provide gender assignments.

The LLM is prompted using an in-context example in order to assign gender.

With results from both approaches concatenated, the model was subsequently fine-tuned to classify source tokens as aligned (indicated by ‘1′ in the schema below) or non-aligned (indicated by ‘2′ below).

A schema for the concatenation of results from both approaches.

Data and Tests

The ambiguous entity detector used for the project was developed by fine-tuning Facebook AI’s  xlm-roberta-large model, using transformers. For this, the combined G-Tag was used across all five language pairs.

In the first of the aforementioned two approaches, the M2M 1.2B model was trained on Fairseq, jointly with bi-text data from the G-Trans dataset, with gender inflections provided by Wiktionary.

For the LLM method, the authors used GPT-3.5-turbo. For the alignment of gender structures, xlm-roberta-large was again used, this time with gender alignments extracted from G-Trans.

Metrics for the evaluation of alternatives, structure (with precision and recall), and alignment accuracy.

Though the first two of these are self-explanatory, alignment accuracy measures the percentage of output gender structures that conform to the known correct source identity, and uses the δ-BLEU method, in accordance with the methodology for MT-GenEval.

Below are the results for the data augmentation pipeline:

Results from the data augmentation tests. Upward arrows indicates ‘higher-the-better’, downward ‘lower-the-better’.

Here the authors comment*:

‘Both M2M and GPT perform mostly on par with the exception of English-Russian, where GPT achieves much lower alternatives recall (58.7 compared to 89.3). The quality of generated gender structures is better for GPT on English-German and English-Portuguese and better for M2M on English-Spanish and English-Russian, as can be seen from the structure metrics.

‘Note that we don’t have any G-Trans information for English-Italian, so the outcomes of the M2M mannequin and the alignment accuracy on English-Italian are purely attributable to zero-shot generalization of M2M and XLM fashions.’

The researchers additionally in contrast the information augmentation system’s efficiency, through M2M, in opposition to GATE’s sentence-level gender re-writer, on GATE’s personal said phrases.

The Apple/USC information augmentation pipeline pitted in opposition to the GATE sentence-level methodology.

Right here the paper states:

‘We see important enhancements in recall at the price of comparatively small degradation in precision (besides English-Italian). Our system is ready to outperform GATE on their proposed F.5 metric on all 3 language pairs.’

Lastly, the authors educated numerous ‘vanilla’ multilingual fashions into vanilla bi-text. The contributing datasets had been WikiMatrix, WikiTitles, Multi-UN, NewsCommentary, and Tilde.

Two extra vanilla fashions had been educated, one incorporating the G-Trans dataset with the prefixed tag , which was employed because the supervised baseline; and a 3rd, incorporating gender construction and alignments (on the smaller native mannequin, since utilizing GPT’s API-based companies would have been very costly for this objective).

The fashions had been examined in opposition to the 2022 FloRes dataset.

Finish-to-end vanilla machine translation fashions examined (P = precision, R = recall).

The paper summarizes these outcomes:

‘The vanilla mannequin can’t generate options and exhibits an enormous bias in direction of producing masculine kinds (δ-BLEU starting from 5.3 to 12.5 factors).

‘This bias is significantly diminished by the supervised baseline. The mannequin educated on augmented information additional reduces the bias and obtains one of the best efficiency by way of various metrics, alignment accuracy, and δ-BLEU.

‘This exhibits the effectiveness of the information augmentation pipeline. Augmented information additionally permits us to coach a aggressive system for English-Italian which lacks supervised information.’

The authors conclude by noting that the success of the mannequin needs to be thought-about within the broader context of NLP’s battle to rationalize gender task in a translation methodology; they usually notice that this stays an open downside.

Although the researchers contemplate that the outcomes obtained don’t absolutely obtain the goal of the era of entity-level gender-neutral translations and/or disambiguations relating to gender, they imagine the work to be a ‘highly effective instrument’ for future explorations into some of the difficult areas of machine translation.


* My conversion of the authors’ inline citations to hyperlinks

First printed Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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